

Artist Christina M. Felice uses her Taurean determination and South Philly spunk to express a passionate photographic prowess that captures, in her own words, "a love of combining the surreal with the organic."

That Philadelphia upbringing, where she also received her BFA in photography from Tyler School of Art, created an appreciation for urban landscapes and led Christina to study in Rome, Italy where her personal work took a direction toward exploration of minutia. She "documented daily life through abstraction of details," as well through countless cups of cappuccino and late night strolls through the ancient Forum.

In recent years, her photography has concentrated on fashion, environmental portraiture and music where the artist says she enjoys the spontaneity of working with people on location, as much as having her way in a controlled studio environment. Christina’s experience began in the publishing industry as a photo editor, then organically morphed to freelance photography.

 "I have a strong need to relate to others through a visual medium. My work is very textural and layered, both literally and in its narrative. I try to focus on creating a conceptual voice that helps tell a true story with its subjects."

When she's not hiding behind her many cameras, Christina enjoys building, fixing, making, sewing, printing, painting, sanding, thrifting, and other -ings. She uses the mantra, Sono Felice (meaning “I am happy” in Italian), as her company name.  The creative and happy Star Wars nerd lives and works in Los Angeles with her clan; hubby, toddler, infant and dog.